We’ve teamed up with Pawprint Family to bring you special World Book Day badges that are perfect for anyone who loves reading and sharing stories.
Pawprint Family are a family run business providing #AdventureForAll within their 4 brands; Pawprint Badges, Pawprint Trails, Pawprint Tales and Pawprint Trust. Together they bring you 1000s of activity ideas that are fun for ages 3-18+ while supporting young people to access adventure through their grant programme.
The World Book Day and World Book Day 2021 badges can be earned by completing challenges and activities from the free World Book Day Challenge Packs.
The World Book Day Challenge Pack and World Book Day Expansion Pack have been carefully put together to include brilliant booky ideas like creating your own story dice, whipping up some Harry Potter-style butterbeer, or building a reading den.
Once you’ve completed your chosen challenges, you can send off for your special World Book Day badge. Did we mention they’re Children’s University Approved too so you can collect valuable learning hours along the way?!
Find out more about Pawprint and the World Book Day badges here.