We will be celebrating World Book Day on 6 March 2025. If you have any questions that aren’t answered below, then please email [email protected]

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Can I use World Book Day’s logo and assets if I am not based in the UK?

We are a charity that operates in the UK, with a mission to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. We work to give more children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and the improved life chances this brings. Our annual celebration, World Book Day, is celebrated at the beginning of March every year.

You can find out more information about UNESCO’s ‘World Book and Copyright Day’, which is celebrated internationally on 23 April, here – https://www.unesco.org/en/days/world-book-and-copyright. Many countries use the day to celebrate books and authors and encourage access to books, but these activities are not connected to us.

Find out more about us here.

How does the £1/€1.50 token exchange work for booksellers and publishers?

The £1/€1.50 token for book exchange is a contribution to World Book Day’s charitable purpose to encourage reading for pleasure.  Nearly 1m children in the UK don’t have a book of their own. World Book Day’s £1/€1.50 books are the first book some children own (including 1 in 5 children receiving free school meals).

Publishers produce and pay for the costs of producing the £1/€1.50 books. Booksellers buy the £1/€1.50 books from publishers to gift to children in exchange for their £1/€1.50 book token. The £1/€1.50 is not reimbursed.

It’s important to World Book Day’s charitable purpose that children can access their books, using the token, for free. To find out more about the process click here.

To find out more about how booksellers can work with World Book Day click here.

What is the theme for World Book Day this year?

World Book Day doesn’t suggest a theme, instead we hope that schools and families encourage children to read for pleasure, focussing on the 6 elements of reading for pleasure.

How does World Book Day limit expense for families?

We want to make sure that all children, regardless of household income, can take part in World Book Day and be encouraged to read for pleasure. We suggest lots of ways to make sure World Book Day celebrations are inclusive, no-cost and fun for everyone. Visit £1/€1.50 book token and book and Celebrating World Book Day Resources  for more.

My £1/ €1.50 book tokens haven’t arrived what do I do?

Please email [email protected] if you have not received your pack with your tokens.

How do I use the digital token?

If you would like to know more about how to use the digital token please click here.

How Can I check if I have registered for the £1/ €1.50 tokens?

If you would like to check your registration status, please email [email protected]

To find out more information on the £1/ €1.50 token click here.

How can I apply for a digital token?

If you would like to know more about registering for a digital token please click here.

Who can register for the £1/€1.50 tokens?

If you’d like to know more about who can register for our £1/€1.50 tokens please click here to find out more.

How do children receive a World Book Day £1/€1.50 Token?

The £1/€1.50 tokens and £1/€1.50 books give all children the chance to choose and own a book – for free.

World Book Day, in partnership with schools and others, distributes the £1/€1.50 World Book Day book tokens to children and young people. Click here to find out more.

What is World Book Day’s approach to diversity and inclusion?

It’s vital that World Book Day encourages even more children to be readers.  That’s why World Book Day aims to be an ally to all children, making sure that all can see themselves represented in what we do, and make a deep connection with what they read. To find out more about our approach click here.

Can we order the £1/€1.50 books from you?

World Book does not carry any stock of the £1/€1.50 books. Booksellers buy the books directly from publishers or wholesalers. Find your local retailer here.

Can I use World Book Day’s logo and assets if I am not based in the UK?

We are a charity that operates in the UK, with a mission to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. We work to give more children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and the improved life chances this brings. Our annual celebration, World Book Day, is celebrated at the beginning of March every year.

You can find out more information about UNESCO’s ‘World Book and Copyright Day’, which is celebrated internationally on 23 April, here – https://www.unesco.org/en/days/world-book-and-copyright. Many countries use the day to celebrate books and authors and encourage access to books, but these activities are not connected to us.

Find out more about us here.

How does the £1/€1.50 token exchange work for booksellers and publishers?

The £1/€1.50 token for book exchange is a contribution to World Book Day’s charitable purpose to encourage reading for pleasure.  Nearly 1m children in the UK don’t have a book of their own. World Book Day’s £1/€1.50 books are the first book some children own (including 1 in 5 children receiving free school meals).

Publishers produce and pay for the costs of producing the £1/€1.50 books. Booksellers buy the £1/€1.50 books from publishers to gift to children in exchange for their £1/€1.50 book token. The £1/€1.50 is not reimbursed.

It’s important to World Book Day’s charitable purpose that children can access their books, using the token, for free. To find out more about the process click here.

To find out more about how booksellers can work with World Book Day click here.

What is the theme for World Book Day this year?

World Book Day doesn’t suggest a theme, instead we hope that schools and families encourage children to read for pleasure, focussing on the 6 elements of reading for pleasure.

How does World Book Day limit expense for families?

We want to make sure that all children, regardless of household income, can take part in World Book Day and be encouraged to read for pleasure. We suggest lots of ways to make sure World Book Day celebrations are inclusive, no-cost and fun for everyone. Visit £1/€1.50 book token and book and Celebrating World Book Day Resources  for more.

My £1/ €1.50 book tokens haven’t arrived what do I do?

Please email [email protected] if you have not received your pack with your tokens.

How do I use the digital token?

If you would like to know more about how to use the digital token please click here.

How Can I check if I have registered for the £1/ €1.50 tokens?

If you would like to check your registration status, please email [email protected]

To find out more information on the £1/ €1.50 token click here.

How can I apply for a digital token?

If you would like to know more about registering for a digital token please click here.

Who can register for the £1/€1.50 tokens?

If you’d like to know more about who can register for our £1/€1.50 tokens please click here to find out more.

How do children receive a World Book Day £1/€1.50 Token?

The £1/€1.50 tokens and £1/€1.50 books give all children the chance to choose and own a book – for free.

World Book Day, in partnership with schools and others, distributes the £1/€1.50 World Book Day book tokens to children and young people. Click here to find out more.

What is World Book Day’s approach to diversity and inclusion?

It’s vital that World Book Day encourages even more children to be readers.  That’s why World Book Day aims to be an ally to all children, making sure that all can see themselves represented in what we do, and make a deep connection with what they read. To find out more about our approach click here.

Can we order the £1/€1.50 books from you?

World Book does not carry any stock of the £1/€1.50 books. Booksellers buy the books directly from publishers or wholesalers. Find your local retailer here.