Kay’s Brilliant Brains

Written by: Adam Kay
Illustrated by: Henry Paker
Publisher: Puffin (Penguin Random House Children's)

Kay’s Brilliant Brains is written and illustrated for World Book Day 2023 by the record-breaking Adam Kay and Henry Paker. It’s a hilarious celebration of the world’s most ingenious geniuses and all that their brilliant brains achieved.

One hundred billion people have lived on earth. Unfortunately, this book would be too heavy if it talked about them all, so it’s about ten of them.

You’ll meet Amelia Earhart, who flew across a huge ocean in a tiny plane, back in the days when planes were basically made out of old bits of wood (and worst of all, they didn’t have in-flight movies) and Thomas Edison, who invented light bulbs and movie cameras (but only went to school until he was twelve). Plus a whole bunch more other brilliant people with brilliant brains who woke up one day and thought ‘Oh, I’ve got an idea’… and changed the world forever.

About the Author

Adam Kay

Adam Kay

Adam Kay is a former doctor who has written three million books and sold five copies. No, hang on – he’s written five books and sold three million copies. His first book, This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor, was number-one for over a year and his first children’s book, Kay’s Anatomy, became the fastest- selling children’s general non-fiction hardback of the decade.

About the Illustrator

Henry Paker

Henry Paker

Henry Paker was once a little boy who did silly doodles in the margins of books. Now he is a grown man who does silly doodles in the middle of books. He is an award-winning comedian, writer and illustrator. He co-writes and performs in the Radio 4 sitcom ReincarNathan and co-hosts the Three Bean Salad podcast. Henry has illustrated all of Adam’s children’s books.

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