Dressing up
Dressing up? It’s up to you! There are lots of ways to encourage children to read for fun.
Dressing up? It’s up to you! There are lots of ways to encourage children to read for fun.
Dressing up is an effective way to encourage children (particularly reluctant readers) to engage with reading. It can help children express what they enjoy reading and exchange reading recommendations.
Top tips:
We’ve teamed up with Rubies and Parentkind to give more children the opportunity of dressing up for World Book Day, to find the fun in reading. Rubies are donating 100,000 costumes to schools with over 25% free school meal provision.
PTAs are encouraged to donate £1 a costume to the charity World Book Day, to support them to get more children involved in the fun of reading.
World Book Day is offering PTAs the opportunity to use its annual event to fundraise for books and other reading resources – to support children’s reading enjoyment all year round.
Let’s get All Dressed Up to give more children the benefits of reading for fun
There is an optional donation to World Book Day to support us to get more children involved in the fun of reading.
Have you got other great alternatives? Add them to our activity bank.
Find suggestions hereIf your child is dressing up, the most important thing is that it shows what your child wants to read.
Download our dressing up ideas for parents resource to support you with encouraging your child/children to enjoy reading for fun.
Dressing Up – Ideas for ParentsBring our 2025 £1/€1.50 books to life with easy, affordable costume ideas from our low cost dressing up pack. Available to download below.
You can adapt the templates to make book or character costumes.
We also have a whole-class workshop plan to help schools run their own low-cost dressing-up workshop.
To download our 2024 pack click here.