All voices and experiences should be shared and represented in books. Reading is a universal joy, and part of that joy is in everyone’s story being shared and heard. These recommendations have been compiled from Teach First’s Missing Pages Library, part of their Missing Pages campaign to diversify the English curriculum taught in schools.
The library, and the list below, is a collection of book recommendations from Teach First’s community of teachers, school leaders and the public, full of works by ethnic minority authors they wish they’d had a chance to read while at school.
We hope that all children can see their own experiences mirrored in books, and we hope they can find that here.
Please note that several of the Independent Reads for this list are from a selection of recommended GCSE texts so aren’t appropriate for younger readers.
Explore our Missing Pages list on our store. World Book Day is an affiliate of and 10% of purchases made through our shop contribute to World Book Day’s charitable work.