World Book Day has created the following guidance to support decision making for all World Book Day submissions. The aim of our selection process is to identify titles which children and young people will want to choose and read for themselves and families will want to share together with their children. We want the books to interest and be accessible to all children and families, including those who don’t currently see themselves as readers. World Book Day’s aim is for our content to offer a gateway into reading. This guidance for the selection has been created with the support of partners (The National Literacy Trust, The Open University and Centre for Literacy in Primary Education) as part of World Book Day’s evidence based approach.
Age categorisation can limit reading appeal and entrench existing stigma for readers who are not reading at the level consistent with their age. Using open added categories can avoid this e.g. 5+, 8+
Less confident and keen readers are often drawn in by books that can be dipped into meaning there is a role for non-narrative and information texts
Illustrations can give immediacy to written texts and can help to ‘scaffold’ less confident readers or those for whom English is an Additional Language
Poetry and verse novels can provide an accessible route into reading and building reading skills, the white space often providing less daunting than ‘a wall of text’.
Books which tie with children and young people’s existing interests such as video games can provide a route into reading and improve young people’s confidence in reading
Seeing oneself reflected in the books that are read can form a powerful and deep connection meaning representation is important
[1] Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, ‘Choosing and Using Children’s Texts – What we Know Works’
[2] Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, ‘Choosing and Using Children’s Texts – What We Know Works’.
[3] Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, ‘The Power of Pictures’
[4] Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, ‘Poetry in Primary Schools – What we Know Works’ (2018)
[5] Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, ‘Choosing and Using Children’s Texts – What We Know Works’.
[6] Picton, Irene; Clark, Christina and Judge, Tim; National Literacy Trust Video Game Playing and Literacy: A Survey of Young People Aged 11 to 16
[7] Ramdarshan Bold, Melanie, ‘BookTrust Represents: Representation of People of Colour among Children’s Book Authors and Illustrators’ (2019)