£1/€1.50 Token

Find everything you need to know about the £1/€1.50 token here.

£1/€1.50 Token

£1/€1.50 Token

How to use the £1/€1.50 token and receive a £1/€1.50 book?

Children can swap their World Book Day £1/€1.50 token for any of the World Book Day £1/€1.50 books or get £1 off a full price title (€1.50 off in Ireland) any full price book or audiobook (as long as the book or audiobook costs at least £2.99 (or €3.99 in Ireland) at participating booksellers.

The best way to enable children to swap their token for a book in school is to work in partnership with your nearest bookseller. Your local bookseller might be on a high street or could be a supermarket. Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and Tesco all stock the £1/€1.50 books. You can also find your nearest bookseller here or email wbd@education.co.uk

Please note that the World Book Day book tokens cannot be used for online purchases.

How long is the £1/€1.50 Token redemption period?

Children and families can start using their  World Book Day £1/€1.50 token from Thursday 13 February – Sunday 23 March 2025.

Participating retailers

How does the £1/€1.50 token exchange work for booksellers and publishers?

The £1/€1.50 token for book exchange is a contribution to World Book Day’s charitable purpose to encourage reading for pleasure.  Nearly 1m children in the UK don’t have a book of their own. World Book Day’s £1/€1.50 books are the first book some children own (including 1 in 5 children receiving free school meals).

Publishers produce and pay for the costs of producing the £1/€1.50 books. Booksellers buy the £1/€1.50 books from publishers to gift to children in exchange for their £1/€1.50 book token. The £1/€1.50 token is not reimbursed.

It’s important to World Book Day’s charitable purpose that children can access their books, using the token, for free.


To find out more about how booksellers can work with World Book Day click here.

Other ways to receive the token

Our partner charities BookTrust and Scottish Booktrust distribute the World Book Day £1/€1.50 token to families as part of their programmes.

You can also find the World Book Day £1/€1.50 token in a range of children’s magazines. We also work with McDonald’s to include the token with Happy Meals.

Digital Token

The digital token states single-use only which refers to how the token should only be used once by each child; however, teachers should forward the same PDFs to all parents. The same PDF and barcode will work for all parents and children within the school.

Digital Tokens